The category of asset protection jobs encompasses a wide range of positions. People with a military or law enforcement background may be interested in these types of jobs. Employers who need asset protection or loss prevention specialists on their payroll include retailers.
People with asset protection jobs are hired to detect shoplifters in the case of a retail chain. They also patrol the premises to alert coworkers and management to potentially dangerous situations where the store is at risk of losing money. Closed-circuit television monitors are used to keep an eye on the premises.
You might be asked to assist in the investigation of shoplifting incidents if you work in asset protection. The job entails taking statements from witnesses and interacting with police officers. You may be asked to provide a detailed statement about events you have witnessed as part of your responsibilities.
Internal theft is a concern for businesses, and part of asset protection jobs entails watching for suspicious activity among coworkers. Depending on their employer’s stated policy, someone working in this type of position should be prepared to report what they’ve seen to their supervisor or management. The fact that the company has employees dedicated to asset protection may act as a deterrent to internal theft.
Asset protection coach is another job title in the asset protection category. This position may require some loss prevention training for new employees. As needed, you’ll also be expected to prevent and assist with investigations. Supervising the shipping and receiving department may be one of your responsibilities, as this is a common area where losses occur.
If you’re interested in asset protection jobs, you might be interested in the position of asset protection manager. You’ll almost certainly need a bachelor’s degree in addition to several years of retail management experience for this position. One of your responsibilities in this position would be to train new employees on loss prevention and asset protection issues.
Asset protection officers are employed by other types of businesses for security purposes. Asset protection jobs are available in hospitals, financial institutions, colleges, and universities. A security firm may hire you and then send you on assignments to different locations to work.
To get this type of job, you’ll need to have some loss prevention experience. Before being hired, an employer may provide training or require you to complete a course. Before you can be hired, you’ll have to pass a background check.