What Are the Different Celery Juice Benefits?

Proponents of juicing are particularly enamored with celery. This extremely nutritious vegetable makes for a naturally salty, tasty juice that has many health benefits. The different celery juice benefits include the ability to fight cancer, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improve digestion and calm the nervous system. These benefits are derived from its high levels of various B vitamins and vitamin A. It also is a good source of several important minerals, as well as folic acid, amino acids and essential oils.

When celery juice is used in its whole form, it contains eight known cancer-fighting compounds. These compounds are believed to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. One of these compounds is an acetylenic that is known to halt the growth of certain tumors. Another one of celery’s anti-cancer fighters is coumarin, which stops free-radicals from destroying cells and specifically helps guard against stomach and colon cancers.

Studies prove that celery juice benefits include lowering blood pressure. This advantage was first discovered by the Chinese, who recognized that phtalides in celery relax muscles surrounding the arteries and dilate the vessels, which permits the smooth flowing of blood. Phtalides are also believed to reduce stress. When a person is less stressed, his or her blood pressure generally decreases.

Cholesterol levels can be reduced by ingesting celery juice because of the presence of the butyl phthalide chemical. Butyl phthalide is suspected to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol, which causes health problems. Simply drinking the juice from two stalks a day can help lower LDL levels by several points. Celery juice also increases the secretion of bile acid, which further helps decrease cholesterol levels.

Improvement of digestion and bowel movement consistency are two more celery juice benefits. The juice is a natural hydrating beverage as well as a diuretic that helps flush waste from the body. Constipation can be relieved by drinking celery juice, and it is a natural laxative that is soothing to the digestive system, unlike many commercial products. Celery juice also helps rid the body of toxins that accumulate and can cause kidney stones.

The nervous system also benefits from a consistent regimen of celery juice consumption. Organic alkaline minerals and essential oils that are present in the juice calm the nerves and enable the body to relax. Drinking celery juice in the evenings is, therefore, beneficial to people who have difficulty sleeping.

Celery juice, which is a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and sodium, can be used by itself as a tonic or in combination with other juices. Many people prefer to mix it with sweet fruit juices to decrease the saltiness of the drink, which makes it more enjoyable to reap the different celery juice benefits. A popular combination of juices is celery, apple, carrot and cucumber.