Some of the different composting methods include bin composting, pit composting, and sheet composting. The type of composting method a person uses typically depends on the amount of composting materials he accumulates, how much room he needs, and how much room he has. Bin composting is one of the most common composting methods, and there are a variety of different types of bins to be used for this method of composting. Pit and sheet composting are less common types of composting, but they may make more sense than bin composting for people who either accumulate a lot of compost or don’t want to keep their compost in a visible pile in their yards or homes.
Bin composting is probably the most popular of all the composting methods. With this type of composting, a person keeps all of her composting materials inside a single container that is typically located outdoors, although some people who don’t have room outside may keep their bins inside. The composting materials are turned inside the bin as they decompose to create nutrient-rich matter that will help plants stay healthy and grow well. When the compost is ready, it is removed from the bin and incorporated into the garden soil. Some people make their own bins for composting, while others purchase ready-made bins in stores.
Pit composting is one of the most popular composting methods for people who have a lot of waste to be composted, particularly in the form of yard waste. People who have a lot of leaves to rake regularly or lots of grass clippings may prefer the pit composting method because there is typically enough room to accommodate yard waste. With pit composting, a large hole, or pit, is dug in a person’s yard, and the composting materials are thrown into the pit. Most people turn the compost inside the pit with shovel regularly so it can break down into nutritious dirt for plants.
Sheet composting is not typically used as often as bin or pit composting. With sheet composting, a person applies her compost directly to her garden spot rather than piling it into a bin or pit. As more compost is accumulated, it is applied in layers over the top of the old compost, which begins to break down as it is compacted more deeply into the soil when more layers are added on top of it. The general idea behind this may be that by the time planting season begins, the garden spot will already be filled with nutrient-rich soil as a result of layering compost and thus will be ready for planting. This method might be useful for people who either don’t want to bother with keeping a compost bin or who want to make composting easier on themselves by having their garden spot ready for planting without the worry of incorporating the compost into the dirt all at once.