What are the Different Department of State Jobs?

Within the United States (US) Department of State, there are many different Department of State jobs to choose from, but they can be divided into four main categories. Foreign service officer, civil service officer, foreign service specialist, and diplomatic security are the four types of foreign service officers. Within these four fields, there are a variety of specific tracks and career opportunities available to those interested in working for the State Department.

The Department of State is in charge of diplomacy and societal transformation both inside and outside the United States. Foreign service officers work for the Department of State in jobs that are frequently outside of the United States and can choose from five different career paths. Once a track is chosen, it usually determines the course of a person’s career. The consular track is in charge of border security and the protection of Americans abroad; the economic track is in charge of supporting American businesses around the world; the management track is in charge of running US embassies in other countries; the political track is in charge of analyzing global political activity; and the public diplomacy track is in charge of public diplomacy.

Civil service officers can choose from a variety of jobs in the Department of State, many of which are involved in building and changing societies from within, sometimes even in the United States. These jobs may entail monitoring human rights situations in other countries, assisting American couples with international adoptions, and other responsibilities. Officers in the civil service typically choose one of seven fields of interest and specialize in one of them. Business management, engineering, foreign affairs and international policy, human resources, international and domestic security, office support professionals, and senior executive services are the seven fields listed above. A civil service officer’s choice of field will determine the types of Department of State jobs he or she will be able to pursue.

Within the Department of State, foreign service specialists bring specialized skills and abilities to hundreds of different locations around the world. While specific opportunities vary depending on where a specialist is stationed, there are seven general categories in which a specialist can work. Administration, construction engineering, information technology, international information and English language programs, medical and health, office management, and security are some of the fields covered. While there are a variety of Department of State jobs available in each of these categories, specialists often concentrate on what their talents or skills are best suited for.

The Bureau of Diplomatic Security is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of US embassies and diplomatic officers around the world, as its name implies. These security officers usually specialize in one of five areas. Special agents protect ambassadors in other countries and foreign dignitaries in the United States; security engineering officers oversee technical security operations overseas; security technical specialists maintain technical security systems at US operations in other countries; diplomatic couriers transport sensitive or classified information securely. For more information on specific Department of State jobs and employment opportunities, visit the official Department of State website.