What are the Different Endangered African Animals?

Some of the most endangered African animals are the chimpanzee, cheetah and African elephant. Many more species are under the threat of becoming extinct, such as the black rhinoceros and Ethiopian wolf. Several species of gazelle are endangered as well. The constantly changing terrain and environment of Africa’s wild animal habitats are being threatened. This change is a fundamental aspect of why many wildlife species are on the brink of extinction.

The African lion population has diminished over the years, placing this species on the endangered African animals list. The most threatened ‘big cat’ of all endangered animals in Africa, however, is the cheetah. Since this animal is threatened by and often becomes easy prey for lions and hyenas, the numbers are dwindling fast. The cheetah is the fastest land mammal on Earth, but apparently not fast enough to escape the threat of human hunters, also responsible for the reduction in their population.

The African elephant is another African animal that faces potential extinction. They are hunted for the valuable ivory that is made from their tusks. Another reason for this animal becoming an endangered species is due to some cultures in certain areas of the continent actually eating the elephant’s meat.

The chimpanzee is one of the endangered African animals of the central parts of the continent. They face a threat mainly due to their tropical forest habitats, which have been invaded by humans. Conservation groups have been struggling for many years to help preserve the chimpanzee population. Catching chimps in the wild and selling them as pets is illegal and another major concern for conservationists. Mass slaughtering of chimps for their meat in local areas of the continent is illegal and another reason for the potential threat of extinction.

Farmers in certain areas of Africa have set traps or put down poisons to eradicate a concern of leopards invading their property. This is a contributing factor for the African leopard becoming one of the common endangered African animals. Another equally crucial factor in placing this species on the endangered list is due to the hunting. Trappers kill leopards for their distinctive fur coats.

African wild dogs are notorious killers that can hunt down large prey, and because of this, farmers have taken to poisoning these animals in an effort to protect their land and livestock. This, in turn, contributes to the diminishing numbers of this species. Therefore, the African wild dog is on the endangered species list.

There are organizations dedicated to promoting public awareness of species of animals which are on the verge of extinction. Funding for conservation efforts is another effort to help this cause. Many projects may offer potential solutions.