What are the Different Homeopathic Cat Treatments?

There are numerous homeopathic cat treatments, including wound remedies, fever treatments, and substances that help ease bites and stings. A pet owner may even use homeopathic cat treatments for shock. Usually, pet owners use homeopathic remedies until the cat’s symptoms begin to improve. If they do not improve or seem serious, however, quality veterinary care may be warranted.

Some types of homeopathic cat treatments are intended for treating various types of wounds. For example, a pet owner may use a homeopathic treatment called arnica, which is a perennial plant, for treating injuries to the soft tissue as well as for the prevention of infections after a cat has been injured. To help speed up the healing of wounds, a cat owner also may use calendula, which is a marigold plant. If a cat has puncture wounds, however, silica, which is a compound of silicon and oxygen, may prove helpful. Hypericum, a flowering plant often called St. John’s Wort, may help in treating painful injuries that involve the cat’s nerves.

Other types of homeopathic treatments for cats are used to treat stings and bites. For example, if a cat is stung by a wasp, his owner may use ledum, an an evergreen shrub, as a treatment. On the other hand, urtica, an annual herb plant, may be more effective for treating a cat who has suffered from a bee sting. Likewise, if a cat has been bitten by a snake, hypericum may prove to be a helpful homeopathic treatment.

Like humans, a cat can suffer from shock, which is the reduction of blood flow through the body that is usually accompanied by weakness and confusion. Fortunately, there are homeopathic treatments for cats that are effective for this condition. For example, a pet owner may use aconite, a type of Eurasian herb, for the treatment of shock.

When a cat has a fever, there are numerous homeopathic treatments that may help. Some commonly recommended remedies include aconite; belladonna, which is a perennial herb; and bryonia, a vine-like plant. Usually, aconite is preferable for fever treatment if the cat has been exposed to cold or seems particularly agitated. Bryonia may be the treatment of choice when the cat cannot move. Belladonna is often useful when a cat does not display signs of thirst despite being feverish.

Typically, homeopathic cat treatments are used only until the cat shows signs of improvement. In most cases, no additional benefit is obtained by continuing treatment after improvement is noted. In the event that the cat is severely ill, seriously injured, or does not improve within a reasonable amount of time, the pet owner may do well to seek veterinary care.