What are the Different Kinds of Hydrotherapy Equipment?

The different kinds of hydrotherapy equipment on the market harness the healing power of water and its restorative properties. Hydrotherapy tubs, showers, thermal capsules, and Scotch hoses are among the most popular types of hydrotherapy supplies. These provisions might be found in a spa, hydrotherapy clinic, or hospital; home hydrotherapy supplies are also sold for personal use.

Hydrotherapy tubs can come in several different styles. All hydrotherapy tubs have underwater jets that gently massage the bather; they may have as few as six or seven jets or as many as 200, depending on the individual hydrotherapy tub. Some tubs fit one person comfortably, while others are designed to be used by more than one individual at a time. A hydrotherapy bath can be enhanced by any number of special added features on the tub itself. These include lights that tint the water relaxing colors, built-in seats and bed-like platforms, and preprogrammed operations that offer a selection of water-jet massages.

Showers are also designed specifically for hydrotherapy use. The two most common are Swiss showers and Vichy showers. In a Swiss shower, the unit itself is either rounded or triangular in shape. The individual stands in the center of the unit and a series of showerheads dispense water from three or more different directions.

With a Vichy shower, the individual is lying down. A hydrotherapy professional uses a handheld showerhead to bathe the individual. This type of shower is typically utilized in combination with other body treatments, such as massage, mud baths, or herbal wraps.

Thermal capsules are another popular kind of hydrotherapy equipment. These are multipurpose units that are capable of providing different healing treatments. A typical thermal capsule might combine a Vichy shower system, a steam bath, an aromatherapy diffuser, and colored lighting options.

A Scotch hose is a special jet hose used as hydrotherapy equipment. The hydrotherapist traditionally stands approximate 10 feet (3.05 meters) away from the individual and controls the hose, which sprays water directly on the client. The therapist uses the water as a massage tool, maneuvering it in various directions to create a powerful body treatment.
Colon hydrotherapy equipment is a commonly utilized method of flushing out the colon to maintain health. As in traditional types of hydrotherapy, this practice uses water to heal and restore the body. The procedure can be done either by a professional colon hydrotherapist or by purchasing the necessary equipment to perform it at home.