What are the Different Leadership Styles?

In business, leadership styles generally refer to various kinds of strategies and methods used by managers, in order to produce the best results for the organization. Many managers take leadership seminars in order to learn some of the tricks of the trade that can potentially make their businesses more efficient and successful. There are many different leadership styles that are employed in the corporate setting. Some of the most common include democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership, charismatic leadership, and task-oriented leadership.

The types of leadership styles used in a workplace usually depend on the personal choice of the manager. Many experienced business managers have a preferred leadership strategy that they incorporate into their work. Others may use a combination of different strategies, generally refining their approach over time, in order to see which method is the most effective. Some leadership styles will also vary according to the precise task at hand, as the manager attempts to determine the most effective business solution.

Democratic leadership emphasizes a group concept. In this leadership style, the opinions of various members of the business team are heard, with the aim of creating the best strategy possible. One of the advantages of the democratic style is that it allows workers to feel a sense of autonomy. It also can encourage them to be creative in their approaches to problems.

Charismatic leadership is a style that focuses on the personality of the leader. In this method, he or she is essentially the center of the operation. The leader attempts to motivate the workers to complete a project with his or her enthusiastic personality. The leader typically has the final word on the project, and the focus of the workers is to satisfy the leader’s demands.

Laissez-faire leadership refers to a strategy in which the leader essentially lets the workers work for themselves. This style emphasizes the faith the manager has in his or her workers. In this approach, it is critical that there is a good working relationship between the workers and the manager, to ensure that work is synchronized. The term laissez-faire is French, and translates roughly to let it be.

Task-oriented leadership stresses the completion of the project above all other factors. It is often compared to dictatorial forms of political leadership. What is most important in this style is that the task is completed. Workers, who feel that they are of secondary importance, often have a negative opinion of this approach. If the leader has the respect of his or her workers, however, this can be an effective leadership style.