What are the Different Options for Online Photo Sharing?

Internet users can choose from several different methods of online photo sharing, including photo blogs, photo galleries and photo tools on social networking sites. Each type of online photo sharing comes with different privacy levels, costs and display options. People wanting to share pictures with family and friends will probably want different features than an amateur photographer looking to publicize his or her work.

Photo blogs are a way to share pictures with friends and family. Photo blogs are common among travelers who want the freedom to include text longer than a caption for certain photos. Although many blogs are public, some blogging platforms allow users to create a password for access, or the blogger can create a list of people allowed to view his blog. Depending on where the blog is hosted, a basic amount of computer skills might be necessary to design the site and post pictures.

Online photo galleries are another common method of photo sharing. Most of these websites make uploading and sharing pictures a breeze; some even offer tutorials on how to post the picture on other websites or social networking pages. Privacy settings for galleries typically range from password-protected, to publicly accessible and free to copy, edit and use elsewhere. Users should check what permissions they are allowing for their photos before posting.

For those active on social networking sites, their built-in photo tools may be all that is needed for online photo sharing. This option is ideal for people just looking to share pictures with those closest to them. The photos will usually not be accessible to anyone outside their network of friends, and the images are easy to find and browse.

Photographers looking to display their best work often choose to create their own online photo sharing website from scratch. These websites can be professionally designed and usually give information on how to hire the photographer for future events. Photo websites are typically open to the public, but password protection can be installed.

Some photographers will want to look for photo sharing options that offer mobile uploads from their phones. This feature comes in handy for those who travel a lot or have an unsteady connection to the internet. Some blogging platforms, social networks and photo galleries will provide this service, but a phone number might have to be registered before it can be activated.
Although there are many free ways of online photo sharing, some options may cost money. Aspiring photographers will typically make a professional investment by choosing a premium online photo gallery with a low monthly cost. Or, they will purchase their own domain name.