What Are the Different Types of Butternut Squash Stew?

Butternut squash stew is often eaten in the fall and winter. The primary ingredient in this stew, butternut squash, is a variety of winter squash that is native to North and South America. Stews made from this vegetable, which is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C and carotenoids, have been eaten in the Americas for hundreds of years. There are many different varieties of butternut squash stew, though most make use of onions, garlic, and tomatoes.

Many types of butternut squash stew are made without any meat. The squash is quite flavorful on its own and has a high starch content, making it quite filling. It is low in fat, though also low in protein. The simplest forms of this type of stew are made by sautéing onions and garlic in a pan, adding tomatoes, butternut squash, and enough water to cover the ingredients, and then simmering everything together until the squash is cooked, which takes about an hour. Herbs and spices can also be added to the stew and broth can be used in place of water to make it more flavorful.

Though this basic recipe will yield a butternut squash stew that is nutritious and filling, many people choose to add other types of ingredients to the stew. Quinoa, a grain that is also native to the Americas can be cooked along with the stew or cooked separately and served in the same bowl. This grain is high in protein, helping to round out a meal based on this type of stew. Dried beans, chickpeas, and lentils are also often cooked along with butternut squash, tomatoes, onions and broth, adding an excellent source of low-fat protein to the dish.

Butternut squash stew has been eaten in the Americas for hundreds of years and is still popular in many South American nations. Locro, which is made in Peru, includes corn, green beans, jalapeno, and sausage, such as chorizo, to the base of butternut squash, tomatoes, onion, and garlic. It is seasoned with cilantro, paprika, and oregano.

As a hearty vegetable with a relatively strong flavor, butternut squash is often paired with beef when it is cooked with meat in a stew. The beef is usually cubed when stewed with butternut squash and then simmered in a beef broth rather than in water. Lamb, chicken, pork and other meats can also be used in a butternut squash stew.