What are the Different Types of Chlamydia Treatment?

Chlamydia treatment typically involves dosing with one of several different types of antibiotics. While antibiotic treatment is typically sufficient for treating chlamydia, it is important that infected individuals refrain from sexual activity until their course of treatment is completed and their infected partner or partners have likewise undergone chlamydia treatment. If this protocol is not followed, reinfection with chlamydia can happen, requiring infected individuals to once again undergo antibiotic treatment. In most cases, chlamydia can be treated with a short course or even one dose of antibiotics, though in severe cases an individual may need to receive intravenous antibiotics. If a woman experiences damage to her reproductive system as a result of the chlamydia infection, part of her chlamydia treatment may include surgery to restore her fertility.

Testing for chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection, is routinely practiced in many places. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) generally recommends chlamydia screening for all pregnant women as well as all sexually active women younger than 25 years of age. Testing is also recommended for anyone who has multiple sexual partners or who experiences any of the common symptoms of chlamydia. While chlamydia is often asymptomatic, early signs of chlamydia may include a burning sensation during intercourse or urination and discharge from the vagina or penis. In some advanced cases of chlamydia, women may experience pelvic pain and may eventually become infertile as a result of their chlamydia infection.

If an individual suspects that she may have chlamydia, she should contact a medical professional immediately for testing and to begin chlamydia treatment. The type of antibiotic prescribed depends on several factors, including whether the patient is pregnant. Common antibiotics used to treat chlamydia include doxycycline, azithromycin, or erythromycin. While azithromycin is generally prescribed as just one dose, other antibiotics require a longer course. Individuals receiving antibiotic chlamydia treatment should complete their course of antibiotics.

Once chlamydia treatment is completed, the patient should return to his health care professional within three months for follow-up testing. The patient should also inform all of his sexual partners so that they can get tested and receive chlamydia treatment themselves. Those who have been treated for chlamydia can become reinfected if they have sex with somebody who was likewise infected with chlamydia. To prevent further chlamydia infection, individuals can use latex condoms as well as restrict their sexual activity to a monogamous relationship.