What are the Different Types of Clindamycin Solution?

Clindamycin, an antibiotic most commonly used to treat infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, is prepared for use in different forms or solutions. Different types of clindamycin solutions are used to treat various infections through different routes. Clindamycin is chemically altered into a more accessible form, and these derivatives have certain characteristics that make them effective for conditions caused by pathogenic bacteria. The solution can be dosed orally, topically, or vaginally. There is also a type of clindamycin solution that can be given intravenously.

When clindamycin is prepared to be given orally, it is formulated to be dosed in either capsules or in a suspension. The chemical derivative of clindamycin that is formulated for oral capsules is clindamycin hydrochloride. This is the solution that is typically given for respiratory tract infections, soft tissue infections, and other infections that are typically systemic. Clindamycin that is formulated as a suspension is called clindamycin palmitate hydrochloride. This clindamycin solution is used to treat many of the same conditions as clindamycin chloride, but it has an extremely foul taste and odor. This makes it relatively difficult to ingest, especially for young children.

Clindamycin hydrochloride is used in topical applications, as well, but another solution, clindamycin phosphate, is also used effectively as a topical solution. These clindamycin solutions primarily treat skin disorders, most commonly acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris is an aggressive form of acne that causes significant pain and sometimes permanent scarring to the person suffering from the bacterial infection. These two clindamycin solutions come in gel and foam form for topical use by patients with the condition. Sometimes the antibiotic is paired with another chemical like benzoyl peroxide, which hastens the healing process.

Bacterial vaginosis and toxic shock syndrome are two conditions caused by anaerobic bacteria that can be treated with clindamycin solutions that are prepared to be dosed vaginally. The discovery of these preparations has helped physicians decrease the number of premature births that are associated with bacterial vaginosis. A clindamycin solution combined with the drug quinine is effective at treating malaria. The added drug is used in this case because it can hasten the action of the antibiotic.

Toxoplasmosis, anthrax, and endocarditis have also been treated successfully with clindamycin solution. When treating potentially life-threatening diseases with clindamycin, research shows that it is imperative to follow the regimen accurately and to keep a steady dose of the clindamycin solution in the bloodstream. Often times, it is administered up to four times per day.