What are the Different Types of Cycling Accessories?

For serious and hobby cyclists, a wide variety of accessories can make cycling both safer and more enjoyable. From helmets to water bottles, many cycling accessories can make a trip safer, whether on the road or in the mountains. Some accessories, such as car racks, make transporting a bike easier, while others make cleaning up after the trip less of a hassle.

When hitting the trails on a mountain bike or meeting other cyclists, cyclists can use a trunk-mounted rack to help carry bikes, no matter what size the car. Tight-fitting covers are available to protect bicycles from damage while traveling, as are adapters that allow a single bike rack to carry different types of bikes safely. Portable bicycle pumps save space when traveling while still ensuring that low tire pressure is not the end of the trip.

A variety of cycling accessories are available that help protect the cyclist in case of an accident. Helmets come in a variety of different colors, styles, and sizes. Gloves and elbow pads can help protect the upper body from not falls and while riding along narrow trails and at close quarters. Protective eyewear, polarized sunglasses, and lightweight, long-sleeved jerseys can also help protect the cyclist from injury. Cycling accessories like heart rate monitors and power meters help riders monitor their vitals.

Small mirrors can be fitted onto the handlebars of almost any bicycle to help prevent accidents in the first place. Bells and horns can alert pedestrians and other cyclists to the presence of another, while fenders can prevent mud, stones, and branches from being kicked up and caught in the tires. When applied properly, lubricants can help ensure that the bicycle chain is well oiled.

Other cycling accessories can simply make riding more enjoyable. Cycling computers can help the rider keep track of current and average speed, distance traveled, altitude, and temperature. A small global positioning system (GPS) can help with navigation and plot courses through new places. Different types of bags and mesh netting that attach to the bicycle itself can make carrying items easier than trying to manage a backpack. Many options are available for carrying bottles, including metal mounts that fit either disposable or reusable water bottles.