What Are the Different Types of DIY House Kits?

A potential homeowner with some carpentry skills can save some money by purchasing one of the many DIY house kits available and erecting the structure himself or herself. Choosing among the many DIY house kits can be a daunting process, since so many styles, shapes, sizes, and materials are available. The best way to start choosing is to decide what style of house will work best for the homeowner’s needs. Kits may feature log cabin designs, or cottage, barn, ranch, and even saltbox styles.

The design is largely a matter of preference, but some DIY house kits are more appropriate for certain regions than others. If the house is being built in a region that gets a lot of snow or rain, a sloped roof will be necessary. This prevents snow build-up that can cause damage to the structure. It also improves water run-off which will prevent rotting. Flat roof style homes are most appropriate for dry climates such as deserts; this roof design will not allow for moisture run-off.

Once the builder has decided on a style, it is important to consider which materials will work best. DIY house kits often include a variety of materials, though one predominant material is common. Wood is by far the most common material used for construction of DIY house kits, though some metal kits are available as well. These tend to be less expensive, but they can be more difficult to construct than wooden kits.

Be sure to research what each kit includes. Most kits will feature all the materials necessary to build the structure, but will not feature the tools necessary to complete the job. If the builder does not already own all the necessary tools, he or she should include rental or purchase of the tools in the overall budget of the project.

Find out, too, how the kit is broken up. Some kits feature all the materials broken down, while others may feature prefabricated parts that can simply be assembled on site. Wall panels, for example, may come pre-built so the builder simply has to raise them and secure them in place. Other kits may include the wood and other materials necessary to construct the wall panels and then erect them. The latter will take more time and more carpentry skills, while prefabricated panels will be much easier to install. Prefabricated parts will, however, usually raise the cost of the kit.