What are the Different Types of Dysentery Treatment?

Dysentery is a medical condition, often caused by bacteria or parasites, that affects the intestines, primarily the colon. This condition causes diarrhea, which often contains blood or mucus and causes abdominal pain and fever. If not treated properly, this condition can be fatal. Dysentery treatment typically consists of close monitoring by medical professionals, fluid replacement, and prescription medications. There are home remedies that are thought by many to be effective options for dysentery treatment, but these should be used with caution.

The most important step in dysentery treatment is to avoid dehydration, as a lot of the body’s fluids are lost through the vomiting and diarrhea that often accompany dysentery. The patient should drink as much water or other fluids as possible. In some cases, intravenous therapy becomes necessary in order to keep the patient properly hydrated. This type of treatment is generally necessary if the patient is not able to keep down any liquids at all due to excessive vomiting or diarrhea.

Once lab tests determine the type of dysentery that is involved, prescription medications can be used. If it is determined that a parasite, such as a type of worm, is responsible, dysentery treatment generally involves amoebicidal medications aimed at killing the parasite. However, antibiotics are a more effective treatment if a bacterial infection has led to the dysentery. In some cases, dysentery treatment may consist of a combination of both of these types of medication. In mild cases, the doctor may decide to simply monitor the condition without prescribing any kind of medication, as mild cases usually resolve on their own within a week.

Some patients prefer to take a more natural approach to dysentery treatment, and there are several options that have worked well for many people. Patients should use caution and visit a doctor if symptoms become extreme or if the patient suspects possible dehydration. Since the primary goal is to keep the patient hydrated, these treatments often have a lot of validity.

A famous and relatively easy home remedy often used as a dysentery treatment involves grinding ginger root into a fine powder and then adding this powder to a glass of warm water and drinking the solution. Another almost equally popular remedy consists of taking the juice of one lemon and mixing it with some rock salt and sugar. This is believed to work by helping to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body while preventing dehydration.