What are the Different Types of Endurance Equipment?

Endurance equipment may refer to a piece of equipment that helps build stamina, cardiovascular fitness, or muscle. Using endurance equipment can help build strength in a variety of ways, and different endurance equipment will work different parts of the body, so the types of endurance equipment out there are countless. For cardio endurance, equipment such as bicycles, elliptical machines, treadmills, or other pieces of equipment that raise and sustain heart rate fit the bill. For muscle endurance, free weights, flywights, cable machines, and other simpler weights qualify as endurance equipment.

Cardio endurance necessitates that one raises the heart rate to an optimal rate and sustains that rate. This not only promotes heart health, it also effectively burns fat. Cycling is a great way to raise one’s heart rate and sustain it; indoor, stationary bicycles are common in gyms and fitness centers, and they feature adjustable resistance so the user can determine how hard he or she wants to work in order to raise heart rate. Bicycles that can be used outside are also a great choice. Road bikes are fast, sleek machines that allow the rider to go very fast across pavement and raise heart rate effectively. Mountain bikes also raise heart rate and work other muscles as the bicycle needs to be maneuvered over obstacles.

For those who are not comfortable on bicycles, recumbent bicycles may be the answer. These machines are also common in fitness centers and they work in much the same way bicycles do. The key difference is that the user sits in a chair rather than on a bicycle seat, which is more comfortable for those with back problems or other issues that may prevent them from using a traditional bicycle. Elliptical machines are also designed with a low-impact workout in mind. Similar to a traditional treadmill, which allows the user to run while inside and raise the heart rate to build cardio endurance, an elliptical machine consists of two platforms, one for each foot, unlike the treadmill which only has one platform. Instead of running on the platform, the elliptical’s platforms move with the user’s foot in a natural running motion. This is easier on joints, particularly the knees.

Other types of endurance come in the form of plyometrics, or the development of responsive, quick, and fast muscles. To build such endurance, simple endurance equipment is necessary. Free weights, flyweights, and other types of weight machines are useful for plyometrics, but one of the simplest pieces of equipment is the medicine ball. This allows the user to develop tough, fast muscles that can engage quickly. A variety of exercises focus on the medicine ball, and they can help build muscular endurance in the user.