What are the Different Types of Eye Protection?

The use of eye protection is something that occurs in many different settings. You may be required to wear protection for your eyes in a work environment, or while you engage in a hobby or sport. There is also the chance that you wear some type of protection when out during the day. Because of the varied needs for eye protection, they come in several different forms.

When it comes to the workplace, eye protection is common in a number of settings. Landscapers often wear safety glasses or goggles while mowing lawns, trimming trees, or working with other large tools. Factory workers wear the glasses in order to minimize the potential for getting a foreign substance into the eye. Welders wear tinted goggles to protect the eyes from the bright light thrown off by the welding rod while in use. Even scientists working in laboratories are likely to wear work goggles as a way of protecting the eyes from chemicals and other compounds they work with daily.

Eye protection is often considered necessary when engaging in recreational activities. Skiers normally wear goggles that help to protect the eyes from the reflection of sunlight off the snow as well as prevent any foreign substance from coming into contact with the eyes. Cyclists wear motorcycle goggles while riding, and people flying in small open planes wear aviator goggles designed to provide protection from both foreign substances and excess amounts of sunlight. As with some forms of safety protection in the workplace, it is not unusual for these recreational tools to be tinted in order to enhance their function.

For many people, eye protection comes in the form of sunglasses. While some are simply for looks, many today are designed specifically to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays. Most units designed for driving or wear at the beach are UV sunglasses, and are strong enough to filter out harmful rays without inhibiting the ability to see. In addition to over the counter sunglasses of this type, there are also prescription sunglasses for people with impaired vision.

The use of eye protection has prevented many accidental injuries to the eyes, as well as minimized the negative impact to the quality of vision over extended periods of time. Whether worn as part of required work apparel, sporting gear, or simply for being out of doors, protective devices simply make sense. Making wise and efficient use of these protective devices helps to improve the chances of enjoying a reasonable quality of vision over a lifetime, helping to enhance the quality of life significantly.