What Are the Different Types of Fallopian Tube Damage?

Fallopian tube damage is one of the leading caused of female infertility and can be caused by blockages or scarring of the fallopian tubes. Several medical conditions can contribute to fallopian tube damage, including endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, or a variety of surgical procedures. Any questions or concerns about fallopian tube damage in an individual situation should be discussed with a doctor or other medical professional.

Endometriosis is a common medical condition and frequently leads to the development of fallopian tube damage. In those with endometriosis, the type of tissue that normally grows inside the uterus begins to grow and spread throughout other parts of the body. This tissue growth can lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes or may lead to a blockage that prevents the egg from traveling through its natural course, thus causing infertility issues. Treatment for endometriosis normally involves hormone therapy or surgical intervention.

Pelvic inflammatory disease may sometimes be a contributing factor in the development of fallopian tube damage. In this condition, the reproductive organs become infected and inflamed, often causing scar tissue to form on or around the fallopian tubes. While there are several potential causes of pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea are common contributors. Treatment for this condition usually involves the use of prescription medications, although hospitalization may become necessary in the most severe cases.

An ectopic pregnancy can be responsible for fallopian tube damage in some cases. When a fertilized egg implants itself into an area other than the uterus, usually inside a fallopian tube, it is considered an ectopic pregnancy. This is not a viable pregnancy, and if the fallopian tube ruptures due to the growing blockage, a life-threatening medical emergency may arise. Treatment for an ectopic pregnancy usually requires emergency surgery to remove the blockage and can sometimes lead to permanent infertility.

Additional causes of fallopian tube damage include blockages or scarring caused by cysts, tumors, or surgical procedures. Cysts and tumors are relatively common and do not usually indicate the presence of cancer, although surgery may still be needed in order to remove the source of the blockage. Surgical procedures, especially those involving the reproductive or urinary system, can occasionally lead to fallopian tube damage. This damage can sometimes be reversed by additional surgical procedures, although a permanent loss of fertility may occur as a result of this type of damage.