What are the Different Types of Higher Education Degrees?

Any degree earned after graduating from high school is referred to as a higher education degree. The associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and doctoral degree are the four types of higher education degrees. Of course, each of these can be broken down further into different specifications, such as a bachelor of science (B.S.) or a master of arts (M.A.). Certification programs from trade or technical schools, though not considered degrees, are another type of adult education that some people use to advance their career prospects or hone skills for a specific job.

Each of the four types of higher education degrees listed represents a higher level of academic achievement and qualification. The first is an associate’s degree, which is usually a two-year program offered community colleges. Only an associate’s degree is required for some jobs. These options are also available for people who did not achieve the grades required in high school to gain admission to a university, and who wish to begin here and then transfer out. Some people enroll in a two-year school with the intention of later transferring to a four-year school to save money, though this is usually not for an associate’s degree, but rather for college credits.

A bachelor’s degree is a four-year degree that is widely available at most colleges and universities. To be considered for a position, many employers expect applicants to have at least one of these higher education degrees. This can be followed a master’s degree, which is typically a two-year program; however, these time estimates can change if people are attending school part-time, in which case the degree will take longer to complete. Bachelor’s and master’s degrees are most commonly offered in the arts, sciences, business, fine arts, education, and law, so the abbreviation will be changed to reflect this. A master’s degree in education, for example, is abbreviated as M.Ed.

Doctoral degrees take longer to complete, ranging from three to four years on average, but can take much longer. Doctoral degrees in law or medicine, for example, are common and can result in an M.D., Ph.D., or J.D., to name a few. Although there are a variety of academic Ph.D. programs available in both the sciences and the arts, most colleges and universities will only hire professors who have earned one of these advanced degrees. Many different higher education degrees are now available online, ranging from associate’s degrees and certificates to doctoral programs.