What Are the Different Types of Homemade Enemas?

An enema is a procedure done to relieve constipation that involves filling the rectum with some type of liquid. Although over-the-counter enemas are available, there are also several different types of homemade enemas. These types of enemas are usually introduced into the rectum via a clear plastic bottle and a piece of tubing. Plain water is one of the simplest types of enemas. Water can also be mixed with soap, salt, oil, milk, and honey when used as an enema.

When using homemade enemas, some type of device is needed to inject the enema solution in to the rectum. Most people use a clear plastic bottle, like a water bottle. Rubber tubing should also be attached to the mouth of the bottle. The other end of the tube can then be inserted into the rectum through the anus.

One of the simplest and easiest enemas requires nothing more than plain water. Some experts recommend using filtered or distilled water. This water should also be warm, usually around 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 degrees Celsius). If it is any hotter, it could cause burns, which can lead to a serious infection.

Another popular homemade enema is a soap enema. Very mild soaps should be used for these types of homemade enemas, since harsh soaps can cause irritation. Many people opt to use a mild solution of castile soap and water for this. Since even a mild soap may cause irritation, experts usually recommend following a soap enema with a water enema to wash out any soap residue.

Some people also use salt-water solutions as enemas. Non-iodized or Epsom salt should be used in these solutions. They should also be very mild, with just a teaspoon or two of salt dissolved in the water.

Oil enemas are another type of homemade enema. Olive oil and coconut oil are considered two of the best oils to use for homemade enemas. Sometimes just oil is used, but many times, it is mixed with warm water. The oil not only helps soften the stool, but it also lubricates the rectum and anus, making it easier to expel feces. After using this type of enema, however, a person may experience anal leakage, and he should follow it with a soap enema.

Milk can also be used to make enemas. This can be mixed with water, or it can be used on its own. Honey can also be mixed in with a milk enema.