What are the Different Types of Human Growth Hormone Supplements?

There are several types of human growth hormone supplements to help build stronger bones and muscle tissues, and even reverse the signs of aging. Some of these variations include bodybuilding supplements, anti-aging supplements, anabolic agents, and enhancers or secretagogues. Human growth hormone supplements are available in the form of a pill, a powder, spray, drops, cream, patches, and injections. Injections are usually the most costly and have the most side effects. They are usually not legally available unless prescribed by a doctor.

The safest forms of human growth hormone supplements are known as HGH secretagogues, HGH boosters or HGH enhancers. These supplements do not contain human growth hormone (HGH), but they stimulate the pituitary gland to release more HGH into the bloodstream. Therefore, they are generally safe and do not require a prescription. These stimulants work well to awaken part of the pituitary gland to produce HGH. If the gland is damaged, however, the supplements are ineffective and the use of them will not result in higher levels of HGH.

Anabolic agents are more risky, because they contain a synthetic version of the male sex hormone testosterone. One of the greatest benefit of anabolic agents is that muscle mass can be increased quickly. The long-term effect of these supplements, however, can be damaging to the overall health of the body. While these are generally available in some countries, in most countries they can only be obtained legally with a prescription. They are available in pills, in patches, and as injections.

The purpose of human growth hormone supplements is to increase the levels of HGH in the bloodstream. HGH can essentially help maintain strong bones and muscle tissues by speeding up cell replication, as well as the time it takes the body to heal from cellular damage. HGH is one of the most common bodybuilding supplements among athletes, because it helps them to build muscle mass, and to increase in height, strength, and endurance.

Those who wish to maintain a youthful appearance often resort to using human growth hormone supplements to help reverse the signs of aging. They can be helpful for maintaining pigment in the hair and preventing premature wrinkling of the skin. HGH supplements also can help to improve a person’s memory and concentration, as well as help to prevent some age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.