Hair loss is a common problem for men, with at least two-thirds of them experiencing some degree of thinning hair after age 35. Male hair replacement can make existing hair thicker or completely cover bald spots. Surgical and non-surgical procedures exist to stop hair loss including transplants, hair restoration medications, hair weaves, and wigs or hair pieces. Each option comes with benefits and drawbacks that need to be carefully weighed before a decision is made.
The type of male hair replacement that offers the highest guarantee of a good result is hair transplant surgery. This is typically the most expensive way to regain lost hair. Active, healthy hairs are removed from the back of the head and implanted where new growth is needed. This can be done to fill out thinning areas or to cover a large bald spot. Men who have very little hair may not have enough active follicles to use as transplants and will probably have to choose another method.
Surgical male hair replacement can cause soreness on the scalp while the incisions are healing. As with other surgeries, there’s the risk of infection and other complications. These risks are usually very low, but someone considering the procedure does need to be aware of them. One benefit of this surgery is its instant results. When it is over, the patient doesn’t have to wait for new hair to grow. Hair should be immediately thicker, and bald areas should be covered.
Non-surgical male hair replacement methods include prescription and over-the-counter products, or the use of a wig, hair piece, or hair weave. Hair restoration medication usually works best for men who are losing hair rather than those who want to fill in a bald area. These products don’t work for everyone, but some find their hair gets thicker over time. Prescription medicines typically have a much higher success rate than over-the-counter products.
Men who have large bald areas they want to fill in may find that a hair piece or weave is the best option. Weaves are done at salons and hair clinics, and require quite a bit of existing hair. Men without enough hair for surgical male hair replacement may not have enough for a weave, either. Synthetic strands are secured to existing hair, usually in an intricate system of ties and braids. Weaves need to be redone occasionally because of general loosening and hair growth. If not enough hair is present for a weave, a hair piece can be professionally color-matched and fitted to provide the desired amount of coverage.