What Are the Different Types of Marching Band Equipment?

Marching band instruments go far beyond the horns and drums that are commonly associated with the band’s elements. The marching band equipment includes uniforms, harnesses, and lyres, among other things. Banners, flags, and horn covers, such as those used on a tuba, are common examples of marching band equipment that pay homage to the school. Other frequently overlooked equipment includes polish for both brass and silver instruments, as well as the musicians’ uniforms and shoes. The bus and trailer used to transport the band and its instruments to and from games, parades, and shows are perhaps the most expensive pieces of equipment.

Before any marching band can take the field and perform, a massive amount of equipment must be sorted through and installed in order for the band to sound and perform at its best. While the band is traveling to a performance, the equipment is often monitored and maintained a marching band equipment coordinator. Uniforms are frequently complex designs, with each outfit incorporating several pieces of clothing and accessories. The typical marching band hat or headdress is ornate and elaborate, often with feathers and plumes.

Pants and jackets are also important pieces of marching band equipment that must be kept in good condition in order for the school or organization, as well as the marching band, to project the best possible image. Harnesses for supporting drums, flags, and other marching band equipment are important components that must be carefully maintained to avoid accidental breakage due to poor care and setup. On a long parade route or a long marching band show or competition, the harness is often the most important piece of marching band equipment. The harness must be comfortable and fit well enough for the player to support the weight of an instrument for the duration of the performance.

While many marching bands prefer to memorize the music in order to project a more professional image, others use a lyre to hold the sheet music for the players. A lyre is a small metal fixture that attaches to a horn or other instrument and holds small sheet music books for the player to read while marching. Every player must have his or her own lyre in bands that use this piece of marching band equipment. Volunteers frequently maintain other marching band equipment, such as flags, banners, and even the bus that transports the musicians.