What Are the Different Types of Oil-Free Soap?

Oil-free beauty products like water-based makeup and other water-based cosmetics are usually recommended for people with sensitive skin. These oil-free cosmetics and oil-free products are quite mild as a rule, don’t clog the skin pores, and are touted to cure or prevent outbreaks of acne, psoriasis and other skin problems. There are many different types of oil-free soap, but, the name is something of a misnomer. There is really no such thing as an an oil-free soap; by definition, soap is a product formed by the chemical reaction between fats, which contain oil, and lye. Most so-called oil-free products contain various natural oils.

The oil-free soap products may be manufactured commercially, or may be handcrafted. It is a good idea to look for soaps that are made from natural ingredients like cow or goat milk, virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil and Shea butter, and do not contain any artificial preservatives, hardeners or scents. Some soaps may contain hibiscus, turmeric, marigold, aloe vera, dandelions, blueberry, and other natural colorants. Sodium hydroxide shows up on almost all soap ingredient lists, and it is a necessary item to bring about the saponification process. It disappears without leaving any traces after the soap is formed.

Another common soap ingredient is palm oil, and it is a great favorite with most soap makers and soap users as it allows for a good lather buildup. It is important to know though that large swathes of rainforests are often cleared for the palm plantations needed to produce this oil. Many environmentally aware people prefer to go for a greener shopping choice and buy a palm oil-free soap instead.

A wide range of palm oil-free soap products are available in the market, and many of these can be purchased online from retailers or directly from the soap makers. The handcrafted mild soaps that do not contain any preservatives may be the best ones for the skin, and are also usually good for washing the hair. The natural hair pH and oils remain mostly unaffected by these products and so the hair does not become too dry; the olive and coconut oil in the soap also prevent lice. As the naturally made soaps do not contain any preservatives, it is necessary to store them in a cool, dry place if they are to be kept for longer than a month.