What are the Different Types of Paresthesia Treatment?

Paresthesia is often characterized as a painful pins-and-needles sensation, primarily felt on or just underneath the skin. Paresthesia treatment primarily depends on the originating cause, although there are some standard treatment options designed to treat this symptom. Some common types of treatment for paresthesia include the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications, exercise or physical therapy, and dietary changes. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or surgical intervention are also common treatements.

Over-the-counter or prescription medications are often used as paresthesia treatment methods. If the symptoms are mild, over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen may provide sufficient relief. Prescription-strength pain medications may be needed in more serious cases. Other types of medications, including antidepressants or anticonvulsants, may also be beneficial. Steroid injections or pain-relief patches have also been shown to relieve symptoms in many patients.

Exercise is commonly used in treating paresthesia. If a body part remains in one position for too long, this symptom often becomes worse. For this reason, frequent movement may be a helpful treatment option for some people. A physical therapist is qualified to help the patient develop an exercise program that will be beneficial without causing any additional damage or discomfort.

Dietary changes may be used as a form of paresthesia treatment, especially if this symptom is related to diabetes. Proper control of blood sugar levels is important and can often ease or eliminate paresthesia symptoms. A hormone known as insulin is often needed in addition to dietary changes in order to properly control diabetes. It is generally recommended that those with paresthesia avoid alcohol usage.

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or massage are frequently used as paresthesia treatment options. Some patients may also benefit from visiting a chiropractor. These therapies may be particularly beneficial to those who suffer from paresthesia due to a problem with the neck or upper spine.

Surgical intervention may occasionally be used as a form of paresthesia treatment. This type of invasive treatment is usually only considered if all other treatment methods have failed. Surgery usually involves surgically damaging the affected nerves so that pain is no longer felt. There can be long-term potential side effects associated with this type of treatment, including temporary or permanent numbness or paralysis of the affected area. Any questions or concerns involving the various types of paresthesia treatment should always be discussed with a doctor or other medical professional.