What are the Different Types of Residential Gates?

Residential gates do not only serve as an entryway to a house, but also act as the first line of protection for a property, whether from trespassers or stray animals. These gates can also establish the limitation of a territory and border. Aside from their function, gates can also add an aesthetic touch with their designs and materials.
Based on their sizes, residential gates have two types: single walk and double drive. The single walk gate is only intended to accommodate people and pets. To some extent, small vehicles such as bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles can also fit in the single walk. These gates are usually seen in country homes with picket fences, in which the gate is hinged on one side and has a simple latch on the other side. Usually, single walks are built to be as tall as the fences surrounding it.

City houses and large mansions usually have the double drive residential gates. These gates are made of two panels that open up in the middle, with each panel hinged on the outer sides. They are big enough for cars to pass through. Gates like these are generally taller than single walks to prevent anyone from climbing up the gate. A latch in the middle secured by a chain or padlock adds extra protection.

One uncommon type of residential gate is the sliding gate. Instead of being pushed backward or forward to open, this gate can be slid sideward to create an entryway. A sliding gate contains little wheels underneath to allow one panel to slide inside the other. Houses with limited spaces in front and behind the gates can use this type.

Residential gates are also made out of various materials. Wrought iron is a popular material because it is resilient and malleable and welds easily. Usually, wrought irons come with intricate patterns on the top and bottom part, with vertical railings in the middle. They can also come with pointed spikes at the top to deter any intruders.

People who value their privacy may opt for solid undecorated panels that block any passersby from viewing the house. Residential gates such as these are usually made out of aluminum because of its lightness and durability, but steel and wood are also good choices. One or two paint coatings can add more years to solid panel gates. Modern technology has added another level of security and convenience by making electric gates available. These gates can be operated by either a remote control or a security keypad.