Semiconductors are the chips that enable products to deliver high performance tied to speed and visual quality in various types of technology, including but not limited to microprocessors and solar energy products. Engineers and computer scientists with degrees and experience in these fields are well-suited for many semiconductor jobs. These experts may be tasked with, for example, improving the performance of mobile devices, personal computers, or electronic tablets. In this industry, both hardware and software developers can find work. Other options include sales positions in the semiconductor industry, such as chip developers looking to have their brand integrated into popular hardware devices.
In the technology industry, software developers are semiconductor jobs. These experts work on new product development from the inception of the concept to the development and marketing of the new technology. During the development process, managing software developers may be responsible for obtaining input from internal executives and outside investors who have an interest in the company. Development jobs may include some marketing elements, or at the very least, communication between software developers and marketing professionals is likely.
Professionals in computer science and engineering may be qualified for semiconductor jobs related to hardware development. Employees in the hardware industry may need to make sure that the materials used in semiconductor processing are appropriate for the scale of production required. These people may start testing chips or wafers, which are components of semiconductors. Managerial roles in hardware production entail collaborating with other technology departments to ensure that development and production plans yield the best financial results for the company.
It’s not uncommon for semiconductor firms to have a global presence. As a result, many of the people who work for these companies have attended universities all over the world. Semiconductor jobs may also come with relocation and travel opportunities.
Another type of semiconductor job is that of a salesperson. In addition to setting standards for regional distribution of semiconductor products, a director of sales is responsible for establishing sales projections and meeting those expectations. A salesperson’s primary responsibility is to maintain and develop new customer relationships. Salespeople interact with customers on a regular basis and may pass on any positive or negative feedback from customers to other corporate executives or developers. Travel is a common feature of sales jobs, especially if a semiconductor company has a global footprint and is looking to expand into new markets.