Sports coaching qualifications range from having a successful sports career or being a former player to having extensive knowledge and education in the field of sport coaching. The validity of the sports program and the credibility of the coach and players on the team are frequently determined by the sports coaching qualifications. Many successful head coaches, as well as other members of a team’s coaching staff, come from the ranks of players and assistant coaches. The amount of experience a potential coach has had on a winning team is often one of the most important sports coaching qualifications.
Sports coaching qualifications are sometimes derived from a successful career as a sports player. After their playing careers, some players go on to coach teams at various levels. The players are usually able to share secrets of the game with new players after landing a job as an assistant coach — often with the last team they played with. Many team owners hope that the veteran player can pass on his or her passion for the game to the younger members of the team. However, some argue that one of the sports coaching qualifications that cannot be taught is a passion for the game.
Not every coaching position is for the position of head coach. Many coaches have sports coaching certifications that they can use to help players in coaching positions. Many former baseball pitchers now coach pitchers in various leagues, just as many former quarterbacks now coach quarterbacks in various leagues.
Former female tennis stars are frequently chosen for their sports coaching credentials to teach up-and-coming tennis protégés. Hockey, basketball, and skiing are some of the other sports that frequently employ ex-players as coaches. Almost all sports, from bull riding to racing, rely on the skills and knowledge of previous competitors to mentor and educate newcomers to the sport.
However, experience alone isn’t always enough to land a desired coaching position. Many sports programs demand that a prospective coach have taken some coaching courses from a reputable and credentialed institution. The courses can help coaches define themselves as all-around mentors to their teams by adding psychology, human behavior, and strategic capabilities to their resumes. In many levels of the sporting community, counseling and media skills are often required components of a coaching position. Because of the competitive nature of sports, being able to effectively manage anger is a highly sought-after qualification for a coach.