What Are the Different Types of Ultrasound Cellulite Treatments?

Two basic ultrasound cellulite treatments using low frequency (LF) radio waves or medium and high frequency (MHF) sound waves might break up fat cells. MHF ultrasound cellulite treatments typically address fat stored deeper in body tissues by stimulating the body’s neuro-sympathetic system to release adrenaline. Low frequency treatments are the most common and agitate fat cells under surface skin.

Some ultrasound cellulite treatments use both high frequency and low frequency sound waves to heat and melt away fat cells. These non-invasive procedures might break up fat and release it into the bloodstream, where it can be eliminated from the body. Massage typically accompanies these treatments, which might increase blood flow for faster elimination.

Some patients see almost immediate results, but others might require several sessions before noticing improved body shaping. These treatments generally address cellulite that remains after diet and exercise in isolated spots on the body. The stomach, thighs, and hips represent the most common areas where cellulite accumulates.

Ultrasound cellulite treatments typically require repeating every month or two because the human body continually stores fat. Adhering to a low-fat diet and incorporating exercise into the daily routine after ultrasound cellulite treatments might stimulate collagen to keep skin tight. Therapists typically recommend plenty of fluids after treatments to help flush fatty deposits from the bloodstream.

This form of cellulite removal is considered painless and an alternative to liposuction and other invasive forms of cosmetic surgery. Each session lasts about an hour, and a dozen or more treatments might be necessary to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Minor bruising might occur from the deep massage typically performed before and after ultrasound cellulite treatments. Massage might help break up fat cells and increase circulation to improve blood flow.

Ultrasound therapy for cellulite also represents an alternative to laser cellulite treatment, which is generally more expensive. In this cellulite removal process, concentrated light heats fat cells to melt them and stimulate increased blood flow. Laser treatment typically occurs in conjunction with liposuction to remove any remaining fat cells. Bruising and swelling might occur after laser therapy.

Another form of cellulite removal involves mesotherapy. Injections under the skin might destroy fat cells in deeper skin tissue. Humans produce two kinds of fat, defined as superficial and internal. Superficial fat is the type that commonly becomes cellulite. Internal fat surrounds organs and might accumulate in the stomach region.