What are the Different Types of Vitamins for Macular Degeneration?

The various vitamins for macular degeneration include vitamins A, E, B2, B6, B12, folic acid and vitamin C. Vitamin A is also known as retinol, vitamin B2 as riboflavin, vitamin B6 as pyridoxine and vitamin B12 as cobalamin. Although these vitamins are among the most important for any type of natural treatment for macular degeneration, it should be remembered that other vitamins, minerals and high quality protein are important to keep the eyes as well as the entire body in peak health.

As a person ages, progressive damage to the macula usually occurs and results in a loss of vision. The macula is the central and most important part of the retina, so it is not surprising that vitamin A, or retinol, is among the most vital vitamins for macular degeneration. Vitamin A is essential in the formation of photoreceptors in the retina, which help to maintain normal vision. Photoreceptors are light-sensitive nerve cells. It is almost always preferable for one to ingest vitamins that come from wholesome foods when seeking vitamins for macular degeneration or any health condition.

Among the best sources of this nutrient are green leafy vegetables; yellow vegetables, such as carrots; and yellow fruits, such as peaches. Vitamin E benefits the health of a person’s eyes because it is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help to guard cells, the building blocks of every tissue in the body, against damage from substances known as free radicals. It appears on the list of vitamins for macular degeneration for very good reasons. Macular degeneration is damage that occurs over time, and it almost always results when the diet is deficient in antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E.

Good food sources of vitamin E are leafy vegetables, legumes and the yolks of eggs. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is required for the healthy maintenance of mucous membranes, such as those that line the mouth. The eyes also are lined with mucous membranes. Milk, cheese, fish, meat and eggs are rich sources of vitamin B2.

Folic acid and vitamin B12 are vitamins for macular degeneration because they play a major role in the maturation of red blood cells. All tissues of the body are nourished by the blood which delivers oxygen and nutrients. Damage to tissues can be progressive or occur almost suddenly if there is a problem with the blood. Animal products such as milk, dairy products and meats, especially red meat, are good sources of vitamin B12. Folic acid is abundant in leafy green vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins B12 and folic acid appear on the list of vitamins for macular degeneration because of their importance in maturing red blood cells, and vitamin B6 is required for the formation of these cells. This nutrient is abundant in heirloom whole grains that have been sprouted and in products prepared from them. Heirloom grains include spelt, kamut and barley. Vitamin B6 also is found in fish and legumes. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for macular degeneration because, like vitamin E, it is a significant antioxidant.