What Are the Different Urinary System Diseases?

There are a variety of urinary system diseases that can affect the kidneys, bladder, and surrounding structures. Some of the most frequently diagnosed diseases include interstitial cystitis, glomerulonephritis, and prostatitis. Other urinary system diseases include nephrosclerosis, Peyronie’s disease, and bladder cancer. Many diseases that affect the urinary system can have similar symptoms, so it is important to visit a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan.

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that causes the wall of the bladder to become inflamed. Often misdiagnosed as a urinary tract infection, symptoms of interstitial cystitis may include pelvic discomfort, pain when urinating, and urinary frequency. There is no standard treatment for this disease, so management is aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of individual symptoms.

Glomerulonephritis and nephrosclerosis are urinary system diseases that primarily affect the kidneys. Renal damage caused by glomerulonephritis may prevent the body from effectively removing waste materials from the body and may lead to the development of such symptoms as abdominal pain, blood in the urine, and excessive urination. Nephrosclerosis leads to a hardening of the artery walls in the kidneys and is often caused by chronic hypertension.

Peyronie’s disease and prostatitis are diseases that affect only men. The penis becomes curved during an erection in men with Peyronie’s disease and is thought to be caused by an abnormal development of scar tissue. This curvature can lead to pain or sexual difficulty and is often treated with steroid injections, oral medications, or radiation therapy. Prostatitis is a term used to describe inflammation of the prostate gland, leading to symptoms such as difficult or painful urination and pelvic pain.

Bladder cancer is one of the most dangerous urinary system diseases, as it can become fatal if not diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages. Factors such as tobacco use and chemical exposure may increase the risks of developing this type of cancer. Some of the most common symptoms of this disease include abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, and weight loss. Fatigue, muscle or bone pain, and blood in the urine may also suggest the presence of bladder cancer.

Treatment for urinary system diseases depends on individual symptoms as well as the overall health of the patient. In many cases, prescription medications are used to control pain, blood pressure, and other issues related to the disease. Radiation treatments, chemotherapy, and surgery are also used as forms of treatment in some situations. A doctor should be consulted with any questions or concerns about urinary system diseases and individualized treatment options.