What Are the Different Uses for Dried Rose Petals?

Dried rose petals often make an excellent addition to scented potpourri. They can also be mixed with melted wax and used to make unusual candles. Some individuals also use rose petals in their bath water, or to make rose water. To make an interesting piece of art, these dried flower petals can be pressed between two pieces of glass, framed, and hung on the wall.

Making potpourri is one of the most popular uses for dried rose petals. To make potpourri with rose petals, they can be combined with other fragrant dried flowers and spices, such as cinnamon sticks. Essential oils are also often added to potpourri. The entire mixture is then usually placed in an attractive bowl and set out on a table or shelf to add a pleasant fragrance to a room.

Dried rose petals can also be used in candle making. A small amount of melted wax is first usually poured into a clear glass container with a wick in the middle, and the rose petals can be placed around the edges of the container on top of the melted wax. Layers of melted wax and rose petals are then added to the container until it is full.

Decorative pillar candles can also be made with dried rose petals. To do this, a pillar candle should first be purchased or made. It can then be dipped into or rolled in clear melted wax, and the petals can be stuck to the sides of the candle before the wax sets. Another layer of melted clear wax should then be used to cover the sides of the candles to ensure that the petals stay put.

Dried and fresh rose petals can also be added to bath water. They can either simply be dumped into the tub or bundled in cheesecloth first. Adding rose petals to hot bath water creates a pleasant fragrance.
Some individuals also prefer to make rosewater from dried rose petals. People can drink this concoction, or spray or splash it on their faces. Making rose water is generally very simple. The rose petals are usually allowed to simmer in water for several minutes. They are then removed before the water is used.

Pressed dried rose petals can also be used to create art. They can be mounted on a sturdy piece of cardboard and covered with glass, for example, or they can be sandwiched between two pieces of glass. These can then be framed and hung on the wall.