What are the Different Uses for Metronidazole Tablets?

Metronidazole tablets are a type of medication that is used in the treatment of a variety of conditions. One of its most common uses is in the treatment of rosacea. In addition, metronidazole tablets are commonly used in the treatment of vaginal infections, especially those related to haemophilus, corynebacterium, and gardnerella. While the drug is very effective when used properly, it is not a good choice for those who have a family history of liver disease, epilepsy, or have pre-existing blood diseases. In addition, women who are pregnant, nursing, or hope to become pregnant should not use metronidazole tablets.

One of the most common uses of metronidazole tablets is in the treatment of rosacea. In most cases, when used in the treatment of rosacea, the drug is prescribed on an as-needed basis, and patients may use the medication continuously until the condition has been completely treated. Though it is most commonly used in the tablet form for the treatment of rosacea, in some cases, it may be prescribed as a cream. This is most often the case for children, the elderly, or others who may have a difficult time swallowing metronidazole tablets. Individuals who experience moderate to severe side effects after use of this medication may be prescribed a different product for the remainder of the treatment.

Metronidazole tablets are also often used in the treatment of vaginal infections. In most cases, the drug is most effective in the treatment of infections linked to haemophilus, corynebacterium, or gardnerella. Unlike rosacea, in which patients use the medication for as long as needed, those suffering from a vaginal infection usually are given a prescription of metronidazole tablets lasting only four five days. While metronidazole cream is also sometimes prescribed for those suffering from vaginal infections, success rates appear to be substantially decreased, when compared to oral metronidazole tablet use. Those who use the medication for five days and do not achieve relief should seek medical attention. In some cases, another condition may be occurring that mimics the symptoms of a vaginal infection.

Some research has linked metronidazole use to the development of cancer. In addition, studies have suggested that those with pre-existing blood diseases or a family history of liver disease or epilepsy should not use metronidazole tablets. Those who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to become pregnant should also avoid use of this medication, as it can be dangerous for unborn infants.