What are the Different Youth Counselor Jobs?

Most people are familiar with youth counselor jobs in a school system or a local church, but youth counselors are employed in a variety of settings. Youth counselors are employed child care facilities, youth camps, and even cruise ships to work with the children and teenagers who attend these programs. A counselor’s responsibilities vary depending on the environment in which he or she works.

Youth counselor jobs are frequently available at daycares to work with the older children. The activities and games that the children will participate in at the daycare are the responsibility of the counselors. If the daycare offers an after-school program, they may be able to assist with homework. Problems with friends or other children at the daycare can be resolved with the help of a youth counselor.

Youth counselor positions are usually available for the duration of the camp. During the summer, many camps are held, with youth counselors and campers living on-site. Counselors will supervise camp activities and lead group discussions with the camp’s children and teenagers.

A day camp for children and a day program for teenagers are available on many cruise ships. Cruise lines post job openings for youth counselors in order to find young adults to run the ship’s youth programs. Although the responsibilities are similar to those of a camp counselor, counselors on cruise ships live on board for months at a time. When new passengers board the ship, they participate in a similar program.

School-based youth counselor jobs can be much more demanding. To assist at-risk youth with life problems, school-based counselors frequently collaborate with a team of child psychologists and social workers. They frequently give advice to students on how to deal with problems at home, at school, or in social situations. When necessary, some schools require counselors to make home visits.

Youth counselor positions can also be found in churches. Counselors in this setting deal with similar social issues, but they use religion to help children and teenagers resolve their issues. Church youth counselors must not only have a counseling background, but also a theological background.

A high school diploma will be required for the majority of youth counselor jobs. Many of these positions will necessitate a bachelor’s degree in social work or a related field. Working with older adolescents and teenagers in the past may be beneficial. Depending on the job placement, counselors will work a variety of hours.