What are the Highest Antioxidant Juices?

Among the best antioxidant juices are blueberry juice, strawberry juice, acai berry juice and grape juice. As natural sources of antioxidants, homemade healthy juices are simple to prepare and antioxidant fruits can be combined to create tasty, healthy juices. Many use antioxidant juices as a natural way to fight the damaging effects of free radicals, which can lead to a host of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

Antioxidants contain polyphenols that work hard at conquering free radicals, which would otherwise destroy cells throughout the body. Nature provides excellent sources of antioxidants, such as is found in fruits and vegetables, to prevent this destruction from happening and to provide a way to counteract free radicals when they do attack. By consuming antioxidant vegetables, fruits and antioxidant drinks, a person can drastically reduce the risk of developing a degenerative disease and slow the body’s aging process, in general.

Blueberries are among the best sources of antioxidants available. The skin of the blueberry, in particular, is high in antioxidant properties and experts recommend that the fruit’s skin always be included in the juice to obtain a maximum effect. Blueberry juice is not as easily found on grocery shelves as other fruit juice varieties, but whole food grocers and health food stores that carry antioxidant juices usually offer blueberry juice. Blueberry blended juices can also be made at home using fresh blueberries combined with other fruits for added flavor.

Grapes are also naturally high in polyphenols, which makes this fruit one of the best ingredients for powerful antioxidant drink. Purple grapes are the best variety, but other grape varieties are also good ingredients for antioxidant juices. Experts warn that consumers should carefully read fruit and vegetable juice labels to be sure that pure juices are purchased instead of flavored drinks that contain other additives and are high in sugar.

The acai berry hails from the Amazon rain forest and is considered to be one of the highest antioxidant sources in nature. The actual fruit is not always available in stores for home juicing. Acai berry antioxidant juices are regularly sold in stores and made available through online merchants, however.

Fresh strawberries can be used to make powerful antioxidant juices. Often, antioxidant fruits, such as the strawberry, are combined with other fruits like bananas or oranges for a flavorful blend. Strawberry juices and smoothies are easy to prepare at home and strawberry blended juices are commonly found in grocery stores.