What Are the Most Common Causes of Finger Ligament Damage?

Finger ligament damage, where the tissue connecting the bones of the finger joints is strained or torn, is usually the result of trauma to the hand. Sprains are often the result of participation in sports such as football or basketball where the hands are heavily used and fingers tend to get jammed. A fall that causes a person to land on his or her hand may hyperextend the hand backward, damaging the ligaments between the palm and the fingers. These and other types of blows to the hand can also cause dislocation, where joints are forcibly moved out of their normal positions, which typically damages the ligaments there.

One of the most common causes of finger ligament damage is participation in sports, particularly those where it is necessary to handle, pass, and catch a ball such as basketball, football, or baseball. If the ball is incorrectly handled or hits the hand in an unexpected way, the fingers may get jammed, meaning there is trauma to the fingers that then puts stress on the ligaments. This may lead to a sprain, a condition where the ligament is stretched further than it can naturally go. In severe cases, the ligament may even be torn partially or completely.

Another common reason for finger ligament damage is falling. When a person falls, he or she may instinctively reach out with the hands to stop it. If the person lands with the hands down flat, they may be pushed backward, hyperextending and thus straining or tearing the ligaments that attach the palms to the fingers. Of course, the person may also land in other ways that can jam the fingers and also cause finger ligament damage.

It is also possible to cause finger ligament damage by dislocating any of the joints in the fingers. Joint dislocation may occur while playing sports or during a fall, but it can also be the result of other types of trauma such as a blow to the hand or from dropping something heavy on the fingers. When a dislocation occurs, one bone is moved away from the place it usually sits next to another bone, meaning the ligament attaching them is stretched or possibly torn. In some cases, it can even cause an avulsion fracture, where a piece of bone is torn off when the ligament is pulled away. The ligament often remains injured even after the dislocation is corrected and will typically require additional treatment, possibly even surgery.