What are the Most Common Causes of Nausea and Vomiting?

There are many conditions capable of causing nausea and vomiting, but gastrointestinal illnesses are among the most common. For example, a person who contracts a stomach virus may become sick to his stomach. Morning sickness and overindulging in alcohol may cause these symptoms as well. Sometimes medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, may also cause an individual to become ill. In some cases, they may be a known side effect of the medication, but in others, it may develop because an individual has a personal sensitivity to its ingredients.

The most common cause of nausea and vomiting may be gastrointestinal illness. For example, a person may become ill after catching a virus from another person or consuming bacteria that has contaminated improperly prepared or handled food. Additionally, people often develop gastrointestinal illnesses because they fail to observe proper hand-washing techniques. In such a case, a person may accidentally get fecal matter in his mouth, without being aware that it was even on his hands. This may also occur if his food is prepared or served by someone who failed to wash his hands properly.

When a woman is pregnant, hormonal changes, sensitivity to smells, and a more sensitive digestive system may cause her to develop morning sickness. Morning sickness often seems to occur with no reason, and it doesn’t always occur in the mornings. A woman may feel nauseous and vomit in the afternoon, evening, and during the night, although these symptoms do tend to be most common in the morning.

Drinking too much alcohol is another common cause of nausea and vomiting. Often, people overestimate the number of alcoholic beverages they can consume without becoming sick. When a person drinks to the point of excess, he may begin to feel nauseous, and the nerves that control his gag reflex may be dulled. This makes him more likely to vomit, which is good for the body because it gets rid of the excess alcohol. When the body is unable to rid itself of excess alcohol this way, or when vomiting doesn’t get rid of enough alcohol, the affected person may develop alcohol poisoning.

Many medications can also cause a person to feel sick to the stomach, and several antibiotics are particularly known for this symptom. Sometimes, however, a person is sensitive to a medication, even if it does not normally cause an upset stomach. In some cases, eating before taking medication may help to prevent this problem.