What are the Most Common Causes of Sudden Nausea?

Sometimes nausea develops quickly and without any warning or gradual buildup. When this occurs, it may be referred to as sudden nausea. There are many things capable of causing sudden nausea. Among the most common are such things as food poisoning or stomach viruses. Overindulgence in alcohol may cause this problem as well. Additionally, some pregnant woman may develop morning sickness, which is another common cause of sudden nausea.

One of the most common causes of sudden nausea is food poisoning. When a person eats food that has been contaminated, nausea may begin suddenly. For example, a person may eat food or consume a drink that has been contaminated with bacteria capable of causing stomach upset. In such a case, the affected person may suddenly feel nauseated. Unfortunately, the nausea may be accompanied by the sudden onset of other unpleasant symptoms as well, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping.

Another common cause of sudden nausea is a stomach virus. For example, a person may become nauseated suddenly because he has caught a virus that is capable of causing gastrointestinal upset. In such a case, a person may have nausea that is soon followed by symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. In some cases, a person who has contracted a stomach virus may also develop a fever or headache as well. Often, however, the first sign that a person has a stomach virus is nausea.

Overindulgence in alcoholic beverages is also among the most common causes of sudden nausea. Often, a person who drinks too much alcohol feels fine at first. He may continue to consume alcohol without having any type of stomach upset. After a time, however, he may experience sudden nausea and begin to vomit as well.

Pregnancy is another common cause of sudden nausea. Often, pregnant women notice that nausea develops suddenly in response to certain smells. For example, a pregnant woman may notice a smell that is normally pleasant for her, such as a favorite food or perfume, and become nauseated; even cleaning agents and soaps may produce this effect. Sometimes the quick onset of nausea common to pregnancy develops when a woman is eating a particular type of food or when she initially gets out of bed in the morning. A pregnant woman may experience nausea at any time, however, and it is not always easy to determine what has caused her to feel nauseated so suddenly.