What are the Most Common Hypertension Side Effects?

Some of the most common hypertension side effects include headaches, difficulty with coordination and balance, and light-headedness. Vision problems can sometimes manifest as side effects from high blood pressure. In severe hypertension, tremors or shakiness may also occur.
Hypertension side effects can range from mild to severe. Often individuals suffering from hypertension may experience no symptoms at all in the early stages. At the onset of high blood pressure however, the first recognizable sign may be recurrent headaches. This may often be mistaken for stress, although quite often individuals who are experiencing stress may develop hypertension.

Some individuals who have high blood pressure may notice hypertension side effects that affected their vision. Blurred vision or eye fatigue may occur. This may be mistaken for eyestrain in early cases of hypertension. A trained optometrist or ophthalmologist will typically ask for a medical history of hypertension upon examining the eyes, if any changes are seen.

If high blood pressure progresses to a dangerous level, hypertension side effects will become evident in the way of serious complications. If left untreated, hypertension can lead to heart problems. Coronary artery disease is a risk factor and one of the most severe side effects of hypertension. In some cases, the heart may become enlarged. Ultimately, this can lead to total heart failure.

Hypertension and renal failure is a concern for many patients living with high blood pressure. The kidneys may become irreversibly damaged if hypertension is not diagnosed and properly treated in time. Blood vessels within the kidney itself can become damaged to the point of not being able to filter waste from the body. Non-functioning kidneys can ultimately be fatal as a result of hypertension.

Another serious consequence of untreated hypertension can be a stroke. When the blood vessels within the brain become damaged by ongoing hypertension, the supply of blood to the brain may be compromised. The arterial wall of the brain may become hardened by long-term hypertension and a stroke may occur. Hypertension side effects such as blood clotting within the arteries of the brain is a factor leading to stroke.

Signs of a stroke can include numbness or confusion. The numbness may occur in the facial muscles or limbs, or on one side of the body. The patient may seem confused or lose consciousness.

Hypertension side effects can be prevented if high blood pressure is diagnosed and treated before it has progressed. The best prevention is to monitor one’s blood pressure regularly. Hypertension prognosis will generally depend upon the duration of the condition.