There are several pros and cons to growing a funny mustache. Being the focus of attention as well as the object of people’s attention can often be viewed as a pro as well as a con. A pro in many instances is the fact that a funny mustache can be a great ice breaker when among strangers. Cons can range from getting laughed at to getting the funny mustache full of food as it is being eaten. Other cons focus on the maintenance of an unusual mustache: trimming, combing and washing are all required processes of mustache upkeep.
Some people attempt to grow a funny mustache in order to win a contest or to complete a certain look for a part in a play. Others grow the facial hair to win a bet or to imitate a historical figure; however, most people that grow a funny mustache do so to add a sense of individuality to their persona, which is always a plus. Typically, people who choose to sport an amusing mustache are individuals who have a fantastic sense of self and are not inhibited in the least. Having the courage to stand out in a crowd is a pro to having the mustache; the owner of a fun-styled mustache will seldom shirk the opportunity to become the focus of any event.
Certain professions prevent the wearing of a funny mustache. Professions where growing a fun mustache could be a con include medicine, law and law enforcement. Conversely, a children’s teacher, a mechanic or a detective may look right in place with the fun facial hair, adding to the persona of their profession. Some professionals choose to grow a large mustache with the feeling that the growth will make them appear more wise and intellectual. A pro in this is that some people may listen more intently to a person they perceive as more knowledgeable than others.
Growing a funny mustache could be a pro for someone who shows animals. Giving a lasting impression may aid the handler in keeping him and his animal in the minds of the judges. Cons to growing a funny mustache are accidentally cutting part of it off while shaving, having to pay more for a haircut and mustache trim and creating the wrong first impression when meeting a prospective employer for the first time.