What Are the Pros and Cons of Vocational Training and Education?

Weighing the benefits and drawbacks of vocational education and training can help you decide if this type of program is right for you. A vocational training and education program may be ideal for people who want to get training and a job as soon as possible. Traditional colleges and universities are typically more expensive to attend than vocational education and training institutions. However, there are some disadvantages to receiving this type of training, such as the stigma associated with attending these schools, non-transferable credits, and limited career or job options. Many factors must be considered before making a decision, including tuition costs, credit transfer, completion time, and future employment opportunities.

The lower cost of courses offered and the shorter time required to complete the required courses and graduate are two advantages of vocational education and training. For some people, the cost of a traditional college education may be prohibitive, so vocational school may be the only viable option for obtaining occupational training, finding work, and making a living. A four-year degree takes much longer to complete than a vocational course. Some can be completed in as little as a few months, allowing graduates to begin looking for work quickly. Vocational training also allows students who need to take classes while working or raising a family to have a more flexible schedule.

One disadvantage of vocational education and training is that it may limit future employment and career opportunities. If your long-term career goals include moving up the corporate ladder or even into management, vocational school training may not be of much use. The wages and types of companies for which one can work are also limited by vocational training and education. This type of training and education will benefit those who want to stay in a specific field of work and do not want to move into higher-paying managerial or executive positions.

Vocational training and education are sometimes associated with a negative connotation. This may be a disadvantage of this type of training for some people, but it does not appear to bother others. A college degree is considered by some to be superior to any type of training or education received at a vocational school, despite the fact that it is more expensive and takes longer to complete. One final disadvantage is that some credits may transfer only to another vocational or training school and not to a traditional college or university.