What Are the Signs of a Narcissistic Boyfriend?

It is not always obvious when a person has a narcissistic boyfriend. This is because narcissistic characteristics are not always immediately obvious. While there are different types of narcissism, most narcissists are capable of blending in with the rest of society or manipulating situations in their favor. Symptoms of a narcissistic boyfriend to watch for include illusions of greatness, inability to emotionally connect with others, and feeling as though he is special and greater than everyone else.

There are three major levels or types of narcissism ranging from mild to psychopathic. While each level increases in severity, it usually becomes harder to notice the signs of a narcissistic boyfriend. This is because heavily narcissistic men tend to be more capable of feigning the social norm.

The lowest and least severe type of narcissist boyfriend typically has delusions of greatness and grandeur. He is usually very jealous and may be mildly possessive. This type of boyfriend may also appear emotionless and is typically not empathetic. He may feel as though he deserves all the good in life that is possible, and he may expect for it to be given to him without question. It is normal for him to also brag, expect constant praise, and become easily hurt.

A mid-level narcissistic boyfriend may try to seek total control over situations and people, especially in relationships. This may be due to slight paranoid tendencies that provoke him to assert dominance over those he believes wish to hurt him. He is likely to show more concern for being respected, obeyed and looked up to than for being liked by others. At times, he may physically attempt to assert dominance in relationships.

Psychopathologic is the most severe level, and this type of narcissistic boyfriend is usually the most dangerous. He will most likely feel no relationship to the world around him and typically feel no emotions. Regardless, he is usually more than able to fake normal behavior, and no one may realize his narcissistic tendencies until he becomes violent.

Narcissistic personality disorder is not often diagnosed in people, but it typically affects men more than women. It tends to not develop until a person reaches adulthood, and narcissistic tendencies in teenagers are usually due to their age rather than the personality disorder. Psychologists are still unsure about the causes of narcissism, but several theorize that the reason lies in early childhood experiences with parents. A narcissistic boyfriend may have parents who emotionally abused or neglected him, or who taught him to be manipulative or to show no vulnerability.