What Are the Signs of a Vaginal Allergic Reaction?

The most common signs of a vaginal allergic reaction include itching, burning, and general discomfort. The vaginal area will often be red and swollen, and there may be discharge as well. These symptoms can have myriad causes, ranging from perfumes or other ingredients in soap and health products to synthetic underwear made with polyester or rayon. In some cases, the reaction is the result of an allergy to a sexual partner’s sperm. This kind of reaction usually begins soon after introducing the irritant and often clears up once the source is identified and its use is discontinued.

A vaginal allergic reaction usually presents as itching, burning, and redness with swelling. Discharge is not present as often as in cases of infection. Many cases are caused by perfumes, dyes, and other ingredients in soaps and cleansers. Laundry detergent, lubricants, and medications are additional sources. Personal hygiene products like toilet paper, tampons, and sanitary napkins can also trigger an allergic reaction in the vaginal area.

If this type of reaction is suspected, most patients have to undergo a process of elimination to determine the source. Choosing unscented and hypoallergenic toilet paper and other personal hygiene products like tampons and sanitary napkins can help narrow possibilities. Women who suspect a vaginal allergic reaction should consider wearing breathable cotton underwear and avoiding synthetic fabrics like polyester and rayon.

A reaction can also be triggered by a perfume or other ingredient in a soap or shower gel. It is not necessary to wash the vaginal area with soap or gel, but women who do not feel clean otherwise can consider switching to mild, unscented hypoallergenic products. Rinsing well can also help prevent a reaction. If symptoms persist, a steroid cream or antihistamine may be prescribed by a doctor.

An additional trigger can be another person’s protein. Women can be allergic to their sexual partners’ semen because semen consists of sperm and fluid that contains proteins. The fluid can cause a reaction, usually within half an hour of intercourse. The signs include vaginal redness, itching, and burning. Blistering, pain, and swelling can also occur.

A diagnosis of this type of allergy is usually made by using a condom during intercourse. If no reaction occurs after condom use, semen is the likely culprit. Another diagnostic method involves exposing the woman’s skin to her partner’s seminal fluid and gauging the reaction. A specific food can pre-sensitize a woman to seminal fluid proteins, and therefore an allergic reaction to semen can occur from the first intercourse.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction to semen can be severe, resulting in hives and angioedema. The itching can be intense, and the woman may experience difficulty breathing and a drop in blood pressure. Like any severe allergic reaction, a severe vaginal allergic reaction can be life threatening.

An individual’s symptoms may be caused by an infection rather than a vaginal allergic reaction. If eliminating the supposed irritant does not resolve the irritation, other possibilities should be considered. Infections like yeast grow in damp areas; women should gently pat their vaginal areas dry before putting on underwear. Wiping from front to back after using the toilet can keep bacteria away from the vagina, while not douching will help maintain the vagina’s normal bacteria balance.

Certain additional symptoms occurring with vaginal irritation can be signs of a more serious condition. Fever, spotting with intercourse, and pain in the pelvic area or with sex can all be cause for concern. A woman who develops any of these signs should be evaluated by her physician as soon as possible.