What Are the Signs of Anger?

The signs of anger are both physical and emotional. Some of the most common physical signs of anger are a heated or hot feeling in the facial area, dry mouth and heavy breathing. Trembling arms and shaking hands are also common signs of anger inadvertently displayed by the human body. Some of the emotional reactions to anger are thoughts of violence, jumbled thinking and muffled hearing. Other anger signs are the feeling of hairs standing up on the back of the neck, the tightening of the muscles in the arms and chest and the avoidance of looking the person responsible for the anger directly in the eyes.

Anger is nature’s mechanism to prepare a body for violence and to come out victoriously when involved in a physical fight. When a person is angered, hormones such as testosterone and adrenaline are geared to increase production in the body. Signs of anger are often intended to allow the mind to recognize when the body is ready for combat. Once the mind recognizes that the muscles are tightened and the breathing has deepened and increased to supply additional oxygen to the muscles, the body is primed and ready to fight.

Some signs of anger can be found in the use of profanity. Much like the anger in an animal will bring forth a growl or snarl, the anger in a human will often be evident through the use of a profane word or series of words intended to show the level of anger being felt. Vocal signs of anger can also be seen when a normally easygoing person begins to use vulgar names to describe someone. Such actions as calling someone a filthy name or using profanity to speak with an adversary are often signs of anger. This language is another method of the individual’s psyche preparing the body for battle.

Other signs that anger is present or could be in the immediate future are feelings of bad will towards others, and the imagination of harmful or destructive happenings that will impact specific people. By imagining that tragedy is about to befall another person, the mind is able to generate the required anger to initiate the destructive behavior towards the individual to make it so. Many individuals, speaking after a violent outburst, report imagining very violent acts being carried out on those in the vicinity prior to the actual outburst occurring.