What are the Uses of Goat Colostrum?

There are a few main uses of goat colostrum. Some studies have indicated that it may help improve immune function and that it helps to raise the levels of certain hormones or enzymes in the body. The most basic use for the colostrum of goats, though, is to feed and nourish their offspring.

The most natural and longstanding use of goat colostrum is in the feeding of baby goats during their first few days of life. Colostrum is present in all mammals, and is the earliest form of milk which is secreted in the first few days after birth. It is vitally important because it is full of antibodies which help the newborn kid to resist disease while its immune system is at its lowest functioning level. Any illness the mother goat has come in contact with and created antibodies against will result in immunoglobulin being passed on to her offspring for that particular illness.

Humans have found uses for goat colostrum as well, utilizing the same immune boosting effects. Some studies have indicated that taking supplements made from goat’s colostrum or goat’s milk can help rev up the immune system and help people prevent disease. Another benefit may include an increased resistance to allergens.

Aside from enhancing immune function, goat colostrum may also be a natural treatment for mild depression. It contains levels of the mood-boosting hormones dopamine and serotonin. Deficiencies in either of these substances are linked with depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental and mood disorders. By replacing them, mood may improve over time. This is especially advantageous for those who do not tolerate antidepressants or who do not wish to take medication long-term.

To get the best results from using goat colostrum, consumers should search for the most natural supplement. Organically fed goats are the optimum choice for supply, as well as those who are not given antibiotics, steroids, or hormones. It is also important to choose brands which do not limit baby goats’ access to colostrum.

As with any supplement, it is a good idea to discuss the use of goat colostrum with a health care provider. Since colostrum and milk are different in composition, those with milk intolerance or allergies can often take this type of supplement with no problem. Those with compromised immune systems may also find them safe and beneficial, especially those who are resistant to or leery of medications.