What are Water Resistant Boots?

Water resistant boots are designed to prevent the wearer’s feet from becoming wet when walking outside. They are different than water proof shoes, because water resistant boots will not completely repel water, and are not designed to be worn submersed in water; i.e. when swimming, or in the shower. There are different types of boots that offer water resistance for various activities, including working outside, hiking, or simply everyday wear.

Water resistant boots may be made out of a material that is inherently water resistant, such as plastic or rubber rain boots, or they may be coated with something to make them resist water better. Before purchasing water resistant shoes, it is important to consider the types of activities where they will be worn. For example, rain boots may be worn while walking to work, but then taken off and replaced with different shoes, so they do not need to be designed for all day comfort.

Conversely, work boots that are designed to be worn when working outside all day should be water resistant as well as comfortable. When purchasing hiking boots, it is especially important to consider their water resistance, but comfort and breathability are also key considerations. In general, it is a better idea to purchase boots marked “water resistant” as opposed to “water proof,” because water proof boots can cause the feet to sweat unless they are only to be worn for short periods of time. Another type of water resistant boots are those designed to be worn in the snow.

Water resistant boots are available in all different sizes for all ages, and in many different fashionable designs. They may be lace-up or slip-on boots. It might be a good idea to purchase more than one pair, in case one pair gets wet, and it is necessary to wear them outside again before they are completely dry. Shopping online for water resistant boots is a good way to find discounts, and customers will often leave reviews about the quality and effectiveness of the product.

Many shoe stores sell a spray-on treatment for shoes designed to make them more resistant to water. In general, however, this treatment will make the material of the shoes resistant to staining, but will not protect the feet very well from becoming wet. This type of treatment is designed for delicate materials such as suede — and it is typically not a good idea to wear suede shoes in the rain anyway. When in doubt, ask a shoe store employee for suggestions.