What are Wellness Centers?

Wellness centers are a type of business that typically focuses on alternative or integrative medicine, that is intended to heal the mind and body. Visitors to these centers may be able to receive different treatments, such as standard medical treatment or psychotherapy as well as alternative practices like acupuncture, for example.

Wellness centers may also exist at universities. They are often free for students, and may provide basic medical services or psychological counseling. Generally, a fee for a center on campus is included in one’s tuition, whether or not the student actually visits it. Any extensive treatment or emergency services will likely not be provided at the center, but if students just need a treatment for the flu, for example, the center can provide it.

Wellness centers that offer a combination of traditional medical services with integrative practices are becoming very popular. Studies continuously show that a combination treatment like this can be more effective when combating certain illnesses that are difficult to treat, such as cancer. There are a number of different alternative medicine practices that are becoming more commonly known; these include acupuncture, ayurveda, or Chinese medicine, as well as practices that engage the mind and body such as massage, breathwork, meditation, acupressure, or hypnotherapy, among others. Nutrition advice services may also be available at a wellness center as well, and they can be intended just to improve one’s lifestyle, or to target a specific issue like high cholesterol or diabetes.

Of course, all or some of these services may or may not be offered at wellness centers. These are just a few of the many alternative practices available, so it is helpful to do research into local wellness centers in one’s community. These centers are beneficial to the practitioners as well as to the patients, because they can work together, sometimes without needing to rent or own space independently. Keep in mind also that not all wellness centers offer alternative medicine; some are more traditional, and may just include a grouping of doctors with similar specialties. For instance, a group of orthopedic doctors may all work together in one wellness center, or a group of doctors focused on finding various treatments for cancer.