What Causes a Tender Scalp?

There are many contributing factors to the development of a tender scalp. Among them are basic issues such as dry skin and overly tight hairstyles. Sometimes, however, a tender scalp may be caused by hair that is very heavy and pulls on the scalp. There are even some conditions, such as ringworm and acne, that contribute to a sore scalp. In some cases, a person may even develop a tender scalp because of overly energetic combing and brushing.

Dry skin is among the issues that can contribute to a sore scalp; when the scalp is very dry, a person may experience tenderness. Some people try to combat this by putting moisturizing products in their hair. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always relieve the problem. Sometimes, however, the person can minimize the soreness by drinking more water and other liquids. This works to approach the problem from within.

In some cases, a fungal infection may be at the root of tender scalp issues. For example, a scalp condition called tinea capitis, also referred to as ringworm, is marked by reddened sections of scalp; round, scaly patches; itching; and scalp soreness or tenderness. Some people even develop black dots and sores that fill with pus when they have this condition. Treating this condition with antifungal drugs, which are typically taken orally, will often relieve the symptoms of tinea capitis, including tender scalp.

Interestingly, acne may also be at the root of things when it comes to scalp tenderness. Most people associate acne with the face, but it can develop on the scalp as well. A person who has oily skin and dandruff may treat it with specialized shampoos. Sometimes oral medicines may help as well.

Many people enjoy the look of long, heavy hair, but it can sometimes cause tender scalp symptoms. When hair is very long and heavy, it may actually pull at the scalp and contribute to soreness and irritation. In some cases, a person with heavy, extremely long hair will also notice hair breakage along her hairline.

Sometimes it is a person’s hairstyle that is the cause of her tender scalp symptoms. For example, a person who wears an overly tight braided hairstyle may develop a sore, irritated scalp. A too-tight ponytail can cause this issue as well. In fact, some barrettes, hair combs, and even hats can cause or contribute to the development of a tender scalp.

In some cases, a person may actually cause herself to have scalp tenderness. For example, some people are overly rough when it comes to grooming themselves. Being a bit gentler when combing or brushing may sometimes help to relieve scalp tenderness.