What Causes a Tipped Uterus?

While a normal uterus is usually in an upright position, a tipped uterus is tipped either toward the front or back of the body. This is a common birth defect in some females, and it may also occur because the organ does not position itself correctly as a girl matures. Pregnancy and menopause are also common causes of this condition, since both of these can cause the ligaments that hold the organ up to become weak. Scar tissue on the inside of the abdominal wall can also push the uterus out of its normal position.

Generally, an anatomically correct uterus is situated so that it is upright in a woman’s pelvic area. A uterus that is leaning toward the spine or the front of the abdomen is often referred to as a tipped uterus, or a tip uterus. If a uterus is tilted toward the spine, it may be referred to as a retroverted uterus. A uterus that leans toward the front of the abdomen is referred to as an anteverted uterus.

This condition is usually caused by genetics. This means that some women are simply born this way. Often, other female members of their families, such as their mothers or sisters, will also have tilted uteruses.

Pregnancy is another of the most common causes of this condition. During a pregnancy, the ligaments that keep the uterus in its upright position can become strained with the excess weight of the fetus. This extra weight can cause the ligaments to stretch, which can cause the womb to sag. In some cases, this condition is temporary, and the uterus will eventually return to its normal position.

A woman may also discover that she has a tipped uterus after menopause. During this time, the estrogen levels in the body begin to drop. Like pregnancy, this can also cause the ligaments that hold this organ in an upright position to become weak.

Scar tissue is another one of the common causes of this disorder. Scar tissue that forms on the inside of the abdominal or pelvic cavity can push the uterus out of position. This scar tissue can be caused by several things. Some diseases, such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease, can cause scarring in this area, for example. Pelvic trauma and surgical incisions can also cause scar tissue to form in this area.