What Causes Puffy Eyes in the Morning?

Many people have experienced puffy eyes in the morning at some point, as there are several causes for this issue. One of the most common reasons for waking up with puffy eyes is changing hormone levels, especially during menstruation and pregnancy. Having an unhealthy diet, including too much alcohol and too little water, can also contribute to this problem. Other common issues include an allergic reaction and sleep deprivation, both of which can usually be remedied quickly.

Most women tend to retain fluid just before and during their menstrual period, leading to swelling in the hands, feet, and face. This is due to a burst of hormones that cause a temporary imbalance until the period is over. Many women also experience some bloating in their abdomen during this time, so puffy eyes are not the only symptom of water retention during the menstrual cycle. Pregnant women also often experience swelling around the eyes, and the issue may get worse as the pregnancy progresses since this tends to be the pattern with swelling in other parts of the body.

Of course, men also sometimes get a puffy face, which means that it cannot always be attributed to the female hormones. An unhealthy diet can often cause the problem. Eating food with too much salt or potassium can cause swollen eyelids, and drinking too little water can contribute to the issue. Alcohol can further dehydrate the body, so a night of heavy drinking often results in puffy eyes in the morning, though the problem should go away once the body is hydrated again.

Some people are allergic to their fabric softener, detergent, or even the fabric that their pillows and sheets are made of. They often only find this out after waking up to puffy eyes in the morning, which can be confusing since they may assume that they have a more serious medical issue rather than just irritation from their linens. Typically, stopping use of the product that caused the reaction can solve the issue.

Sleep deprivation is a simple cause of puffy eyes, and this is one of the easiest reasons to figure out. Some people may find that their eyes are not puffy after one night of little sleep, but they are swollen after second one. In this case, the cause is likely a combination of factors, such as the dehydration and sleep deprivation that may occur after a night of heavy drinking. Additionally, some people are more prone to puffy eyes than others since it is usually hereditary.